Vacation – Long Car Trip Tips

Vacation - Long Car Trip Tips

Long awaited…summer! The time to relax, at least for kids, and take those vacations you’ve longed to take all school year long. Sometimes you are able to fly or travel to your location quickly. But sometimes, you have to make the long 16 hour car ride up to Aunt Ethel’s to see the family or across the country to see that one of a kind historical monument. What do you do to fill the time?

Here are some ideas for turning those long travel hours into trips that fly by… or at least seem quicker and more entertaining. It can be helpful to leave very early in the morning when kids are still sleepy, if you are able to stay awake when you drive. That way the kids can sleep a few hours of the trip without even really knowing they are in the car. Caution against those who may … READ MORE -->